
Earn Some Money

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Signing Up Made Easy

First though, you have to sign up. Here’s how you do it. The sign-up page asks for a relatively small amou nt of information, not all of which is as obvious as you might like. First, you’ll have to tell Google wh ether you want an “individual” account or a“company” account — whether you’re a company with more than twenty
employees or practically a one-man show that’s just you and up to n in eteen others. That’s important for just on e reason : it tells Google where to send th e mon ey. Take a busin ess account and the payments will be made in the name of your company; take an individual accoun t, and they’ll be paid directly to you.You’ll also be able to choose between three differen t ways of receiving you r mon ey: Electron ic Fu nds Transfer, local currency ch eck or Secured Express Delivery. In general, it’s better to get your money by direct deposit
using the Electronic Funds Transfer; Google charges for express mail checks.