
Earn Some Money

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Hitting the AdSense Jackpot!

As you can see, today AdSense takes care of my car payment, mortgage,
cable bills an d a whole lot more besides

Aren't you dying to know…
WHAT was it I did to AdSense — and my website — th at turned it overnight
into a cash-cow on steroids?!
More importantly, what can YOU do to shoot your AdSense income th rough
th e roof- right NOW!
My advice to you is quite simple ...
Don't be passive about your AdSense income; work hard to increase it. But
before you try out that h ot new idea you read about at an Internet Forum, be
sure to check out Google's
AdSense TOS
. Some web publishers have forever
relinquished their fat AdSense paychecks, just because they were too bu sy to
pay attention to something so fundamental to their AdSense survival.
I like to play by the rules and h ave taken adequ ate care to ensure that my
AdSense tips and tweaks are legit. Making what I do from AdSense, I have
little incen tive to go on a rule-breakin g spree and get my AdSen se accou nt
For many Internet site owners, AdSense is like the goose that lays the golden
egg. Take good care of your goose — don't slau ghter it in the mad rush to
increase your AdSense in come!


1.1 The Basics: Building Your Site
Since th is book came out lots of people started asking me how th ey can
make money with AdSen se. I’m always happy to help people make the most
of Google, but many of these people didn’t even h ave a website!
Here’s the bad new s: to make money w ith AdSense, you’ve got to have a
website. There’s no getting around that. The good news though is that it’s
never been easier to create a website from scratch and use it to generate
real revenue.