Network Marketing
Let’s be honest. The network marketing industry (also known as multi-level marketing or
“MLM”) doesn’t have the best reputation. Yes, there are a handful of multi-billion dollar
corporations in this field (like Amway), but there are also many, many short-lived companies
that appear out of thin air and, very quickly, disappear back into thin air, leaving its distributors
out in the cold.
My experiences with network marketing opportunities have been pretty dismal. It is hard
to recruit other people into the solid companies that have been around for years. And the “ground
floor” opportunities that no one has seen before often end up getting shut down by the
government or grow so fast, they can’t handle the growth, and they implode. I’ve even seen
some network marketing experts get tired of their companies and focus on teaching others about
network marketing (or other businesses),instead of working with an actual network marketing
Can you make real, honest money with a good network marketing company? , finding a good
network marketing company is like finding a needle in a haystack. And the hype about “just
signing up a few people and getting rich overnight” is crazy. Network marketing, like any home
business, takes time, money, and energy to make it work. In fact, all of the heavy hitters I know
have put in a bunch of time and money to create systems and marketing tools to make their huge
down-lines. It didn’t just happen like magic