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Hitting the AdSense Jackpot! -2

I’m going to give a brief introduction here to creating a website from the
grou nd up. You can find plenty more information online and I’ll tell you where
to look. A good place to start is my own book How To Build Profitable
Websites Fast, available at
If you already have a site up and running, you can just skip this bit, head
down to 1.10 and begin reading about how to improve your AdSen se
1.2 Naming Your Site
The first thin g your site will need is a name. That’s easier said than done
th ese days. All th e best words in the dictionary have either already been
bough t an d built by developers or they’ve been bou ght and offered by
But that doesn’t mean you can’t create a good name and buy it for a song.
Putting two words together with a hyphen can work (like
) an d th ere are plenty of good names
available if you’re prepared to move outside the world of .coms into .n et and
.biz etc.
Your first stop should be
. Th is is a nuts
and bolts service that lets you hunt and buy names, order hosting plans an d
even submit your site to the search engines. When you’re looking for a
name, you can just toss in ten options and the site will tell you which (if any)
are available. Find a good one, and you can either buy it there or pick it up at
(th ey can be a bit cheaper). All in, buying a name
from one of these service won’t cost you more than about $ 9 a year.
If you can’t find a name you like and that hasn’t already been grabbed, you
can take a look at sites like and bestnames.n et. These
are companies that buy domain names and sell them for a profit. There’s a
good chan ce you’ll find some good names here but th ey can cost you
anything from $50 to $50,000. Before you part with a pen ny, think abou t the
advantage that a good name can bring and ask yourself if you can’t get the
extra traffic a cheaper way. Often, you can